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Contacting ET
Ian Beardsley
Copyright © 2022 by Ian Beardsley
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Table of Contents
The Mathematical Construct………………..5
The Variables………………………………………17
Equation of Angular Distribution………….22
Gobekli Tepe……………………………………….28
The Initial Cause…………………………………29
Putting Together Ancient History…………29
Concluding Remarks…………………………..30
The Extended Map………………………………32
The Rendlesham-Roswell Connection…..34
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Even though my case number 67958 was concluded by MUFON to be not a UFO but a “bat” or
“bug” (Which I now agree with) does not matter, because something interesting unfolded that
does suggest the existence of an intriguing mystery. The latitude plus 40 degrees on earth may
be a gateway to the future. This is the path traveled by the star Vega.
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She had seen flying saucers, real ones, and their sub-craft and captains; she had even seen
great holes in the earth where the rest of us see nothing but solid ground.
Two Dogs, Grandma Crow
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The Mathematical Construct
This project lay dormant for several years, but upon watching the movie Stargate last night, I
solved it.
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On the early evening of July 9, 2015 in Claremont, California I stood in my backyard and
pointed the camera nearly due west about 25 or 30 degrees high. As I was filming I noticed the
brief appearance of a black spot. I brought my camcorder into the house and downloaded the
footage to my computer and found the spot, for which I removed a frame, and dropped it on my
desktop for analysis. I thought it could best be described as a “black orb”, and I reported the
image to MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network). To my amazement, the number assigned to my
case was 67958. That is, my case was the sixty-seven thousand nine-hundred and fifty-eighth
case to be reported. This interested me because those digits could be arranged as the consecutive
integers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Thinking about it now I realize those are the perfect consecutive integers
for an ET to use in communicating, because they contain the integers of alpha squared. Alpha is
the fine structure constant, which is 1/137 a number scientists find to mysteriously occur again
and again in the their mathematical formulations of Nature. Alpha squared is
The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential energy of an electron in the first
circular orbit to the energy given by the mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed of
light squared:
It is only missing the five in the consecutive integers 5,6,7,8,9.
= 1/18769
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I immediately decided that case 67958 being a long-shot number to receive, that whoever was
assigned the case number 56789, the numbers for my case arranged in successive order, had
experienced an even more unlikely occurrence than myself. Since MUFON makes their cases
available to the public, I looked up that case number. It was at 10:17 PM in Utah. As a person
who has worked in astronomy, and is familiar with the famous SETI Wow! Signal, I recognized
that the time of sighting case number 56789 was at the same time. The SETI Wow signal was a
signal intercepted by SETI (The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) that had all of the
earmarks of being of non-human intelligent origins. I then looked at a map of Utah and to my
amazement noticed that the center of that state was a city called Nephi. I knew that Nephi meant
Nephilim, and, that Nephilim was Hebrew for Anunnaki which translates as “Those who came
from above” in the Hebrew bible and Anuannaki is the beings spoken of in ancient
Mesopotamian (Sumerian) Cuneiform clay tablets who the Sumerians said in these most ancient
human writings, gave us mathematics, schools, government, and agriculture.
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The Certificate For My Case, Case 67958
Case 56789 as it Appears in The MUFON Files
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In the Bible “Nephilim” is actually translated as “Giants” It was Zecharia Zitchin who when
when he was a student in Russia in Bible class raised his hand and said doesn’t Nephilim
actually translate as “Those who came from above.” I resolved this by asking a Yiddish scholar
why it was translated like this. He told me because those who came from above were giants.
Zecharia Sitchin went on when he grew up to translate Sumerian cuneiform and write the book
“The Twelfth Planet” where he said Nephilim in the Bible came from Annunaki in the Sumerian
cuneiform tablets of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians there are credited with being the first to
settle down from wandering, gathering, and hunting and invent agriculture, science, and
writing. It is believed the idea spread out from there, Sitchin says they were taught these
sciences by the Annunaki who came from the sky.
I then noticed some interesting things about the city of Nephi at the center of Utah. That to the
right of it was Wyoming, which has in it Devils Tower which is where in the movie “Close
Encounters of the Third Kind” humans make contact for the first time with extraterrestrials.
Devils Tower is a national monument, a mountain of rock that is flat on top making it perfect for
the landing pad of extraterrestrial spacecraft. To the left of Nephi is Nevada where the secret
military base Area 51 is where people have long believed houses extraterrestrials and a program
where we are working with them to back-engineer their craft. Below Nephi is Roswell New
Mexico, where it was purported that a UFO crashed in 1947 and three alien bodies were found
about three feet tall each. It was later believed to be covered-up by the military as the debris of a
weather balloon. However, the military official holding the weather balloon in the newspaper
photo was holding a note in his hand that with the advent of modern computers much later,
people were able to enlarge and read some of, which did mention a crashed disc and and three
bodies about three feet tall. Later around 2012 to 2014, because of the freedom of information
act, that note was released to the public, and it did say there were three bodies about three feet
tall and the debris of a crashed disc. I remember when that came out in mainstream media and I
find it strange that today, even though there has been full disclosure, that Roswell is spoken of
only as a theory by UFO enthusiasts. I then placed stars at these locations and found it made a
cross with the top portion missing. I calculated the top portion of the cross formed by using the
golden ratio and found it to be around the Oregon-Idaho border in a place where the three
major rivers of the Northwest converge, called Treasure Valley near the city of Nyssa. I had the
following map:
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As you can see I placed a star at the center of Wyoming because Wyoming is where Devils Tower
is. But we can place a star exactly where Devils Tower is, which is in the North-East corner of the
the state. We can also place a star to the East of Area 51 in California at the largest city, which is
Los Angeles, and we get an expanded cross as pictured below…
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Interestingly we see that that the Nephi-Roswell axis points to NASA’s mission control in Texas,
as pictured below….
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For the longest time this project remained dormant because I couldn’t figure out the significance
of a cross, since 2009, but just last night I solved it when I was watching the movie Stargate. At
the beginning of that movie, an archaeologist solves the mystery of the six symbols plus one on
the Stargate. He explains that a location in space requires six points, each at the center of the
face of a cube, to specify it, and a seventh point to specify a destination. The six-points make a
cross that intersects at the location of the stargate and the seventh point is the destination where
you want to go, as pictured below..
Thus all I had to do was take the center of the cross as Nephi, get the coordinates of the city of
Nephi which are +39.7102 degrees North, 111.8363 degrees West and project the +39.7102
degrees north on to the sky, the seventh point, or destination. Positions of the stars are given
like this as projections of latitude onto the sky and longitude onto the sky, lattitude projected
onto the sky is called declination. It is fixed, but longitude onto the sky changes as the earth
rotates and is measured in right ascension (RA) which is in hours, minutes, and seconds. 1 hour
of right ascension is 15 degrees because the earth rotates through 15 degrees in one hour. Thus
we have a scenario where we have a latitude on the sky of declination approximately plus 40
degrees, and stars moving along it over the course of the night. Constellations that exist at or
near this declination are Aurigae, Cygnus, and the Summer Triangle to name a few. For our
drawing we will consider the Summer Triangle because it has the very bright star Vega the
brightest star at this declination. It is the brightest star in the constellation Lyrae with the
designation alpha-Lyrae, and is the fifth brightest star in sky, the missing number 5 in our fine
structure constant squared (alpha squared) that we talked about at the beginning of this paper.
We have the following drawing…
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Vega: +38deg 47min 01sec
18hrs. 36min. 56 sec
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Nephi couldn’t point to a more special star than Vega.
Vega is the fifth brightest star and the second brightest star in the Northern Celestial
Hemisphere after Arcturus. By astronomers it is called the next most important star after the
Sun. It was the pole star in 12,000 BCE and will be again in 13,727 due to the precession of the
Earth’s spin axis with a period of 25,770 years. Vega, being close and bright has been the
standard with which to compare other stars, it was the first star to have its distance determined
with the Ancient Greek method of parallax, and serves as the baseline for calibrating the
photometric brightness scale and was used to to define the zero point for the UBV photometric
system, a system used in astronomy to study brightness of stars, or variations in brightness.
The important thing here is that Vega is the polestar every 25,700 years which means it is the
star the Earth’s spin axis points to, which makes it useful for navigation, and the other
important thing is how often it does this because it was the pole star around 12,000 BC and
earlier meaning it had the important position during the time when the Ancient Sumerians
settled down from following the herds and inventing agriculture, science, mathematics, writing,
and architecture, which, as we said some theories believe this knowledge was given to them by
ancient aliens.
Polaris is the current pole star, meaning the Earth’s spin axis points to it. Like Vega, it is the
brightest star in its constellation Ursa Minor meaning it has the same alpha designation for its
catalog name Alpha Ursae Minoris, the same alpha that belongs to Vega, the same alpha of the
the Greek letter , that is the natural constant constant the has the numbers of our UFO
MUFON case number 56789. As well like Vega it is very studied for the same reason: it defines
the standard for studying other stars. Just like Vega is a standard for the Ancient Greek method
of determining distances, parallax, Polaris is used to measure distances by the method of
cepheid variables, as it is the closest cepheid variable to us, which is a star that varies in
brightness with a regular period due to radial pulsations. The brightness of this star is reported
to have changed a hundred times since it was first measured by the Ancient Greek astronomer
Ptolemy, which means in astronomy this star goes against everything we know about stars of
this type. The fact that it switches roles with our Nephi star as pole star and that something
unusual is going on with it physically might be a clue as to why it is so important with respect to
our work here.
The most important thing we want to accentuate here is that Vega and Polaris switch places with
one another as pole star every 25,722 years, and that the transition for Vega to Polaris in this
role was at the time hunters following the herds settled down to create civilization.
Whether or not Area 51 is back-engineering extraterrestrial craft, or whether it was a flying disc
that crashed in Roswell or a weather balloon doesn’t matter; the events that unfolded lead to a
very elegant construct so unlikely that one should be easily inclined to think that something is
happening here, though we just can’t say what. Let us look at this as a mathematical (and really
geometric) construct as well.
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The Variables
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Apparently Representative Steven H. Schi made a request under the Freedom of Information
Act to Richard Davis, Director National Security Analysis regarding Roswell with the request “to
determine the requirements for determining air accidents similar to the crash near Roswell and
identify any government records concerning the Roswell crash.” Here is an excerpt from the
July 28, 1995
Dear Mr. Schiff:
On July 8, 1947, The Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) public information office in
Roswell, New Mexico, reported the crash and recovery of a “flying disc”. Army Air
Forces personnel from the RAAF’s 509th Bomb Group were credited with the recovery.
The following Day the press reported that the Commanding General of the U.S. Eighth
Air Force, Fort Worth, Texas announced that the RAAF personnel had recovered a
crashed radar-tracking (weather) balloon, not a “flying disc”.
After nearly 50 years, speculation continues on what crashed at Roswell. Some
observers believe that the object was of extraterrestrial origin. In the July 1994 Report
of Air Force Research Regarding the Roswell Incident, the Air Force did not dispute that
something happened near Roswell, but reported that the most likely source of the
wreckage was from a balloon-launched classified government project designed to
determine the state of Soviet nuclear weapons research. The debate on what crashed at
Roswell continues.
We conducted an extensive search for government records related to the crash near
Roswell. We examined a wide range of classified and unclassified documents dating from
July 1947 through the 1950’s. These records came from numerous organizations in New
Mexico and elsewhere throughout DOD as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Council. The Full
scope and methodology of our work are detailed at the end of this report.
The letter to Mr. Schiff goes on to mention several times:
In our search for records concerning the Roswell Crash, we learned that some
government records covering RAAF activities had been destroyed and other had not. For
example, RAAF administration records (from Mar. 1945 through Dec. 1949) were
destroyed. The document disposition form does not indicate what organization or person
destroyed the records and when or under what authority the records were destroyed.
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Area 51
Area 51 as it is commonly called is a United States Air Force facility believed by UFO enthusiasts
to be a secret military base back-engineering alien craft. The United States Air Force acquired
the sight in 1955 primarily for flight testing the Lockheed U-2 aircraft. However through a
Freedom of Information Act request filed in 2005 the CIA acknowledged its existence on June
25, 2013.
The Wow! Signal
Physicists Philip Morrison and Giuseppe Cocconni wrote a paper in 1959 where they suggested
to search for extraterrestrial civilizations that we should look for radio signals at a frequency of
1420 megahertz or the 21-centimeter spectral line in other words because it is naturally emitted
by hydrogen and hydrogen being the most abundant element in the Universe, would be used in a
The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in 1973 acquired the Ohio State University
radio antenna (Big Ear). While examining data collected on August 15, 22:16 EDT Jerry R.
Ehman came across values of a signal intensity and frequency that left him so astonished he
wrote Wow! next to the symbol and as such the signal acquired its name. There have been put
forward many theories by astronomers as to what the signal could be, including natural and
human-made sources, but none of them are adequate in explaining it. The signal seems to have
come from the direction of Sagittarius and is considered to this day to have all the earmarks of
an extraterrestrial signal. The antenna however, has been pointed back to the direction and not
found any more signals.
The antenna had two horns and this left two interpretations for the right ascension of the signal,
but of course because the earth only rotates along the East-West direction we have one value for
the declination:
RA (19h25m31s)
Or. (19h28m22s)
Dec (-26deg57min)
The Big Ear Antenna used the earth’s rotation to scan the sky which gave it 72 second to do so,
the signal lasted all of these 72 seconds.
Devils Tower
Devils Tower, which is also called Bear Lodge Butte, an igneous rock formation that can be
approximated as a truncated cone, even close to a right circular cylinder is a butte, a tower that
is flat on top, which is probably why it was portrayed in the movie Close Encounters directed by
Steven Spielberg as the place where we would first make contact with intelligent life from
beyond Earth. It was the first United States national monument, which was established as such
on September 24 1906 by Theodore Roosevelt. It is 800 feet across (243.84 meters) at the base
and 300 feet across at the top (91.44 meters). It is 867 feet high (264.262 meters). This gives it a
volume approximated by a truncated cone of 220,170,667 cubic meters. See illustration on next
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I would like to note here that just as Vega passes over Nephi, and travels along the 40 degree
latitude projected onto the sky, that it also then passes through other countries and cities at or
around the 4o degree North latitude. In Europe these are Madrid, the capitol of Spain, Rome,
the capitol of Italy, and Athens the Capitol of Greece. See the illustration below…
We can make a broad historical sweep to see what this means; Geometry and Astronomy are
founded in Ancient Greece around 300 BC. These thinkers surmise the Earth is round, and even
develop a method to determine its circumference. This obscure knowledge makes its way into
the hands of an Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus some 1600 hears later. He suggests if
the Earth is round then we can establish a Westerly route to India as another option for a trade
route with the country. He needs the funding for such a voyage, and this is given to him in Spain
by Queen Isabella and he lands in the Bahamas in October 1492 calling it San Salvador, and the
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New World was discovered. He thought he had landed in India and that is how the natives of the
New World got the name Indians.
Now we are not just an ocean faring civilization, but a spacefaring civilization. The astronomer
Carl Sagan wrote in Cosmos:
The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean
From it we have learned most of what we know
Some part of our being knows this is from where we came
We long to return
These aspirations I think are not irreverent
Though they may trouble whatever Gods may be
Now we have the Wow! Signal, founded on a method of search for the frequency of 1420
megahertz or the 21-centimeter spectral line in other words because it is naturally emitted by
hydrogen. The equation is the Rydberg equation for hydrogen:
But our message in this paper comes from hydrogen as well, from alpha squared, the fine
structure constant squared, The fine structure constant squared is the ratio of the potential
energy of an electron in the first circular orbit of a hydrogen atom to the energy given by the
mass of an electron in the Bohr model times the speed of light squared:
= R
= 1/18769
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Equation of Angular Distribution
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If there is some sort of a construct around Nephi, there should be something pertaining to other
places in the world. We look at the Giza pyramid complex, and Teotihuacan in Mexico. Center
stage to the Egyptian and Mayan astronomy was the brightest star in the sky, Sirius. While we
have associated Vega with Nephi, we are going to associate Sirius with the Giza pyramid
complex in Egypt and Teotihuacan and its pyramids in Mexico. We are going to suggest its
prominence here is because Egypt and Teotihuacan are at a lower a latitude than Nephi, they are
at about 30 degrees North and 20 degrees North respectively and since Sirius is below the
celestial equator and therefore in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere, Egypt and Mexico being
lower than Nephi put it higher in the sky.
Teotihuacan around 1CE to 500 CE was the sixth largest city in the world with a population of
about 125,000. It was established in about 100 BCE. The pyramids (The Pyramid of the Sun,
and The Pyramid of the Moon) weren’t under construction until from about 1CE to about 350
The Pyramid of the Sun has a base 224 meters across by 220 meters across and a height of 75
meters. The Pyramid of the Moon has a base 147 meters across by 130 meters across and a
height of 43 meters. See the illustration below…
We notice that the ratio of the height of The Pyramid of the Sun to the height of The pyramid of
the moon is in that ratio of the Solar radius to the lunar orbital radius, which is the ratio of the
molar mass of gold to that of silver which is about 1.8, or nine-fifths. It is an interesting fact that
the moon is the right size and distance to perfectly eclipse the Sun as seen from the Earth.
The Great Pyramid of Giza (Cheops) is about 230 meters wide and 146.6 meters tall. We notice
here that the ratio of the height of Devils tower is 9/5 the height of Cheops, again the ratio of
solar radius to lunar orbital radius equals the molar mass of gold to the molar mass of silver.
The Sun is gold in color and the moon silver in color (See next page).
SolarRa diu s
Lun arOrbit
= 1.8
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The star Sirius is at
Declination: -16 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds
RA: 6 hours 45 minutes 8.9 seconds
58 seconds is almost 60 seconds is almost one minute so Sirius is at -16 degrees 43 minutes is
43/60=0.7 is -16.7 degrees. Nephi is at 39.7 degrees North putting Sirius 39.7+16.7=56.4
degrees below its zenith. But from any location your view spans 180 degrees (half way around a
circle) and half that to your Southern or Northern horizon which means in Nephi you can see
90-39.7=50.3 degrees below the celestial equator meaning Sirius is 50.3-16.7=33.6 degrees
above the Nephi Southern Horizon. But how far above the Giza Southern Horizon is Sirius? It
would be 90-30=60, 60-16.7=43 degrees above its Southern horizon and Nephi is approximately
43 degrees above the celestial equator. This is the connection of Nephi to Egypt. 43.3-33.7~10
degrees is approximately the separation between Nephi and Giza. The Nephi Southern Horizon
is 90-39.7=50.3 degrees below the celestial equator. See the illustration on the next page…
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If we say Sirius is 15 degrees below the celestial equator and call Devils tower and Giza,
monuments then monument angular distributions over the Earth are determined by the
brightest star in the sky, Sirius.
Thus we have the equation of angular monument distribution is
See the illustration on the next page…
) = 2
) = 3
) = 1
f (n) = 2cos(π /n)
f (3) = 2cos(π /3) = 1
f (4) = 2cos(π /4) = 2
f (5) = 2cos(π /5) = Φ
f (6) = 2cos(π /6) = 3
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Gobekli Tepe
The world’s oldest megalithic site is Gobekli Tepe in South Eastern Anatolia, Turkey it marks the
oldest known human settlement. Gobekli Tepe first noted in a survey in 1963 was designated a
UNESCO World Heritage site in 2018 the year the movie Stargate was released. We have said
that astronomy and geometry start in Ancient Greece, at our 40 degree latitude and that this
knowledge travels West 1600 years later to Italy at the same latitude sparking a voyage funded
by Madrid, Spain which leads again to the same latitude, the Vega latittude, at Nephi, United
States of our message involving the next great adventure, space voyages; we landed on the
Moon in 1969. It turns out Anatolia is at the same latittude. This seems to be one of the regions
where settling down from wandering and gathering and living in settlements began. Vega passes
overhead here and takes the idea to Greece, then Italy, then Madrid, then Nephi, Unites States.
Gobeckli Tepe dates back to 9500 BCE to 8000 BCE, the so-called Neolithic.
The megalithic structures at Gobekli Tepe includes stone pillars with anthropomorphic symbols
Apparently, the first known written word for God appears at Gobekli Tepe according to a 2019
paper by Manu Seyfzadeh and Robert Schock titled “World’s First Known Written Word at
Gobekli Tepe on T-Shaped Pillar 18 Means God”. Apparently the Luwians adopted symbols from
Anatolian iconography and they have an identical symbol for God. At Gobekli Tepe there is also
a symbol for Gate that is the same as the Luwian symbol for the same. The interesting thing is
that the word for God and the word for Gate look almost the same (Howard Barry Schatz, 2022).
We might venture to think then, that the Gate for humanity is along the 40 degree latitude
traveled by Vega that takes us from Anatolia to Greece to Italy to Spain to Nephi United States.
The Symbol for Gate is two parallel vertical lines with a horizontal line between them and
semicircles on either side, while the one for God does not have the horizontal line, as if to depict
an “Open” gate (Howard Barry Schatz, 2022). Here I have done sketches:
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The Initial Cause
We have said that astronomy and geometry start in Ancient Greece, at our 40 degree latitude
and that this knowledge travels West 1600 years later to Italy at the same latitude sparking a
voyage funded by Madrid, Spain which leads again to the same latitude, the Vega latitude, at
Nephi, United States of our message involving the next great adventure, space voyages; The
United States landed on the Moon in 1969. It turns out Anatolia is at the same latitude. This
seems to be one of the regions where settling down from wandering and gathering and living in
settlements began. Vega passes overhead here and takes the idea to Greece, then Italy, then
Madrid, then Nephi, Unites States. We have said that megalithic structures at Gobekli Tepe
include stone pillars with anthropomorphic symbols, the first known written word for God. That
the word for God and the word for Gate look almost the same. That, the first known written
word for God appears at Gobekli Tepe, that the Gate for humanity is along the 40 degree latitude
traveled by Vega that takes us from Anatolia to Greece to Italy to Spain to Nephi, United States.
We can now go further; we can look for the cause of this effort by the Italians, funded by Spain,
brought about by Greece to find a Westerly route to India. It actually began in China, as we will
now show…
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes used from 200 BCE until the mid 15th century
joining the East and West, spanning 6,400 kilometers (4,000 miles).
The network (also called the Silk Routes) began with the Han dynasty’s expansion into Central
Asia around 114 BCE. It began when the envoy Zhang Qian was commissioned to explore the
unknown lands beyond to establish trading partners and allies.
The bridge between the East and west came with the Parthian Empire (Persian tribes) stretching
from Anatolia (in Turkey) to what is today Afghanistan. By 100 BCE Chinese silk was sought by
Rome, Egypt, and Greece as well as tea, dyes, perfumes, and porcelain. Western exports were
horses, camels, honey, wine, and gold. Few people travelled the entire route but rather relied on
a succession of middlemen stationed along the routes. An exchange of ideas in religion
(particularly Buddhism) and in the sciences came with the trade.
The Silk Road abruptly ended with the rise of the Ottoman Empire in 1453 severing the trade
between the East and the West. This resulted in what became known as the Age of Discovery,
European Colonialism, and globalization efforts. Thus we see our path of Vega that traces our
gateway to the future began with the Silk Road which arose from the desire for business and
trade between the East and West, arguably centered around silk and tea.
Putting Together Ancient History
How do we take our story further? We have to put together prehistory, and this is an effort
currently underway. It is done by studying ancient languages and connecting their components
to one another to discern their origins, and by mapping lineages and migrations with the current
technology of decoding the human genome.
Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is thought to be the common ancestor of the Indo-European
language family. Thought to be spoken from 4500 BC to 2500 BC (Late Neolithic to Bronze
Ages) its origin thought to be in the Pontic-Caspian Steppes of Eastern Europe.
Current day speakers of PIE include the Spanish, English, Portuguese, Hindustani, Bengali,
Russian, Punjabi, German, Persian, French, Marathi, Italian, and Gujarati.
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William Jones proposed in 1786 the common ancestry of Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Sanskrit
arose in South Asia diffused there from its predecessors to the Northwest during the late Bronze
Age by Indo-Aryan tribes migrating East from today’s Afghanistan across Northern Pakistan
into Northwestern India. There it was influenced by Dravidian. Vedic Sanskrit is found in
Rigveda which are 1,028 hymns composed between 1500 BCE and 1200 BCE.
The word Sanskrit comes from Sam (together, good , well, perfected) and Krta (made, formed,
work) as to say well prepared, pure and perfect, polished, sacred. Sanskrit is one of the three
earliest documented Proto-Indo-European Languages which are
Vedic Sanskrit (c. 1500-500 BCE)
Mycenaean Greek (c. 750 - 400 BCE)
Hittite (c. 1750-1200 BCE)
For 100 years they have searched for the origin of Ashkenaz Jews for the lost land of Ashkenaz.
Today with genome data, where we are able to map ancestral data with the Geographic
Population Tool (GPS) a computer software tool, and the lost land of Ashkenaz is placed by it in
North-East Turkey around four primeval villages: Iskenaz, Eskenaz, Ashanaz, and Ashkuz
located on the cross-roads of the ancient trade routes. It would seem Yiddish, the language of
the Ashkenaz, was developed by Iranian and Ashkenaz Jews in the first Century AD as a secret
language of merchant traders in the trade between China and Europe along the Silk Road.
My guess is one of the keys to unravelling the story of Sanskrit, and that told by Yiddish is to
look to the Gypsies and Ashkenaz. Indeed this story of UFO’s began for me when I went to
Granada, Spain and lived in an Ancient unearthed cave carved out by the Arabic workers who
built the Moorish Castle, Alhambra, one of many caves in the Gypsy neighborhood called
Sacromonte. The Gypsy language (Roma) is basically Sanskrit with Arabic that they brought it
from India 1000 years ago after passing through the Middle East. Written on the cave where I
stayed were words on a tile inscribed there hundreds of years ago that read in their language
“Acoba’ Habela Jallipen”. One of the younger kids there asked one of his elders what it meant
and he said i meant “Here there is food”. And indeed we can say here there is food. My
grandparents on my Mother’s side immigrated here to the United States from Russia and
Austria and Yiddish was their first language, I even have some of it in my vocabulary. I would
like to learn what can be learned of these languages and feel this story can further be unravelled
through their study.
Concluding Remarks
Indeed from all that has been said here the mystery surrounding Nephi and it surrounding sites,
and the gateway across Southern European countries traced out by Vega, and what is going on
today in Europe and the United States regarding UFO’s, may indicate contact with ET’s today in
modern times. But it seems to trace back to first contact, we need to look at the dawn of
civilization which was in Sumer (Mesopotamia) and Egypt. Civilization arose in Sumer and
Egypt separately and independently, in two entirely distinct ways. In Sumer there were not a lot
of trees and they built the first homes from clay bricks. In Egypt they had forests and used wood.
Sumer was open two all of the lands around them and was invaded by many Semetic tribes who
settled their and adopted their writing, cuneiform. Egypt was surrounded by forests, ocean, and
desert, and was thus never invaded. They had writing as well, their Hieroglyphs, which were
finally deciphered with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone that had a passage of their writing
translated into two other languages we already understood. If extraterrestrials first made
contact with these peoples I am guessing their reason was to start civilizations in two different
ways: with one people opened up in access to the rest of the world (Sumer) and another people
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(isolated) so as to give us two timelines in our development from two different approaches. We
have talked about Sumer in this paper and little about Egypt, though Egypt is probably the place
most studied. Egyptology is a vast field well developed, and there has been a great deal of
excavation there that has dazzled the world over the last century, one fine example the tomb of
King Tutankhamen that toured the world in the 1970’s; an exhibition I went to with my school
when I was in the 5th grade, elementary.
The French engineer Maurice Chatelain in his book Our Cosmic Ancestors, who was with NASA
and developed the communications systems for the Apollo missions to the Moon, suggested the
pyramids were landing beacons for ET craft because they were polished and hence could reflect
signals back to a ship, and were flat on top for landing. It is a mystery how such enormous
stones were not just cut, but cut precisely, moved from quarries far away and lifted and stacked
on top of one another with such mathematical precision.
We find the gateway across Greece, Italy, Spain may be connected to ET’s and was a result of
China’a Silk Road. But we have not ventured into the Northern latitudes of the rest of Europe,
like Stonehenge in England. A great deal of mystery surrounds this Megalithic site, like how the
enormous stones were brought there and stacked on top of one another with their astronomical
alignments by the Druids.
We should further look into the Middle East, where some say the Stargate from the movie
Stargate, was actually unearthed in reality. Preston Nichols, who says he worked on a secret time
machine for the government, says he has seen the Stargate, and that there are actually three of
And finally at the center of our story seems to be Turkey, in particular Anatolia, the beginning
place of our Greek, Italian, Spanish Gateway, and is the place that connected Europe to the East
in the Silk Road, which gave birth to the Gateway leading to Nephi.
Africa, the oldest of lands where human life seems to have got its start has a wealth of folklore
about life from beyond that needs to be looked at in great depth.
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The Extended Map
As we said, Vega, the most important star in the sky passes over Turkey at the site of Gobekli
Tepe where we have the oldest written word for God found and is certainly one of the oldest
references to God, which happens to be similar to a reference there for gate. Vega continues to
Greece one of the places where astronomy and mathematics originates with the knowledge of a
round earth that makes its way to Italy 500 years later and inspires Columbus to find a westerly
route to India, who gets funded by Spain, also on the path of Vega, which ultimately goes to the
New World in Nephi, of the New World where Columbus actually lands discovering it, and
Nephi means those who came from above in the Old Testament. Now in our story we continue
along the path of Vega across the Pacific and we land in Japan, a leader in technology, and from
there Vega goes to China, which has one of the most ambitious space programs in the world.
The latitude of +40 degrees through which Vega passes in the center of China near Xining, the
capital of Qinghai Province. Xining was a commercial hub along the Northern Silk Road’s Hexi
Corridor for 2000 years, it has a history of over 2,100 years. It also is a site of religious
significance to Muslims and Buddhists with Mosques and Monasteries and is the home of
Qunhai University, a Double first class University.
The +40 degree latitude also is the Island of Honshu, Japan, Japan’s largest and most populous
island where the capitol of Tokyo is. Humans first arrived here 60,000 years ago.
The latitude of +40 degrees through which Vega passes in the center of China near Xining, the
capital of Qinghai Province. Xining was a commercial hub along the Northern Silk Road’s Hexi
Corridor for 2000 years, it has a history of over 2,100 years. It also is a site of religious
significance to Muslims and Buddhists with Mosques and Monasteries and is the home of
Qunhai University, a Double first class University.
The +40 degree latitude also is the Island of Honshu, Japan, Japan’s largest and most populous
island where the capitol of Tokyo is. Humans first arrived here 60,000 years ago.
Something happened interesting when I was going to The University of Oregon. One of the
people living in my dormitory was from Hong Kong and he explained to me that there was
something interesting concerning the word for Rocket Ship in Chinese and Japanese, something
of a mystery where there were writing and/or pronounced the same as one another in both
languages in a way that connected these two words in both languages that does not happen with
any other word in either language. It is now about 40 years later and I don’t remember exactly
what he said and I haven’t been able to find a reference to it on the internet but I have found
them written in both languages and we can see reading right to left the first two characters are
indeed the same (see below):
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Cantonese Chinese
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A great deal has unfolded for me regarding Roswell and Area 51. I just learned about
Rendlesham, and how it was the European Roswell (UFO event). Interestingly my work
Contacting ET continues now looking at Rendlesham. If you draw a line from Rendlesham by
connecting it with Stonehenge the ancient Druid Observatory and continue it West at the slope
provided by these two points, the line goes straight through Roswell. See the maps below:
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The Author