Ancient Man And Alien Timeline A
Since 200,000 years ago, anatomical modern humans (homo sapiens) have existed on earth and, since their beginning, have been crafting tools out of stone. It would seem, overnight, they all of the sudden expanded their stone craft to making not just tools for hunting, but to make stone altars for the first form of worship. It would also seem they they began painting on cave walls. Aside from painting the animals they hunted they painted, whether in Africa or Europe, a figure in common, that paleontologists called “The Wounded Man”. It is a man with spears stuck in himself. It was finally suggested that this was not a man who was attacked, but a tribal leader and medicine man responsible for the cave paintings themselves, a Shaman. That he is wounded suggests that he may have eaten hallucinogenic plants, such as the Iboga, and painted himself wounded because eating hallucinogens makes one’s skin tingle, or have the sensation they are being pricked with spines. This, was the first form of religion, known as Shamanism, which today is still practiced by tribes from Africa to the New World.
Similarly, overnight, once again comes the second transformation: Humans stop wandering and gathering, and settle down to build homes, grow their food, raise animals for eating, building homes, schools, developing writing and mathematics—civilization in other words. This advancement takes place in Mesopotamia (The Middle East) but not by the Amorites, Akkadians, and Assyrians who existed there, but by a people whose existence was discovered beneath the ruins the latter, the Sumerians of Sumer.
It would seem when scholars read the Assyrian language, they found it was based upon another language, which suggested there were a people in Mesopotamia that preceded them. So they dug deeper and found another culture beneath them, who started civilization, The Sumerians.
Unearthed were cuneiform tablets of the first human writing, characters printed on clay tablets that measured 17 by 22 centimeters. The first discovery of cuneiform tablets was in the fifteenth century in the ruins of Persepolis, in Persia, the ancient capitol of King Darius I. They portrayed an understanding that the Earth was round, and a science of Astronomy that was beyond that around the time just before Copernicus, who first had the revelation that the Earth was not at the center of the Universe, but orbited the Sun. These Sumerians, it would seem, were the first to settle down and go from hunting to farming, and being the first to invent agriculture, about 12,000 BC.
What we have is that civilization first appears simultaneously and separately (as well as independently) in Mesopotamia and Egypt. In the case of Mesopotamia, it was invaded many times, and it invaded surrounding areas as well, but in Egypt they arose uninfluenced because they were never invaded because of their geographic isolation due to being surrounded by desert to the north and west, by ocean to the east, and by forest to the south.
The nature of the civilizations were also different due to their respective differences in environment. Mesopotamia fired clay to make bricks for making their homes (being in a desert) where Egypt used wood because of an abundance of trees.
Today there is a great mystique surrounding Egypt and the Middle East (Mesopotamia) regarding their possible ancient connections to extraterrestrials. Religion is suggested by Zecharia Sitchin to have been brought by this ancient connection with ETs to India and Greece by way of The Hurrians.
It is explained thusly by Sitchin: Greek Gods and Hindu Gods both come from Asia Minor. A People went East to India bringing the Vedas, and West to Greece bringing the Olympian Gods, both rooted in 12 seats. They were the Hittites whose abode was Anatolia. Their culture, however, was rooted in Sumeria by virtue of the Hurrians, mentioned in the Old Testament (Horites). They dominated a wide area from Sumer to Anatolia.
Wikipedia says: Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor, Asian Turkey, the Anatolian peninsula, or the Anatolian plateau, is the westernmost protrusion of Asia, which makes up the majority of modern-day Turkey.
Ancient Man and Alien Timeline B
But, is this the origin of civilizations, Mestopotamia and Egypt, or was it somewhere between India and the Middle East, in the Indus Valley Civilization. Indeed civilization arose in Mesopotamia due to the presence of rivers, and Egypt as well, due to the presence of rivers. The Indus Valley civilization is said to have been more highly populated and widespread than those of Mesopotamia and Egypt, with a population of perhaps one to five million. It occurred there as well along rivers. But, when they dried up these people went to East to India and west to the middle East and Europe.
It is theorized they brought religion (reincarnation, or transmigration of the soul) and language (hindi) to India, which was Dravidian and and speaking Dravidian language rooted in Sanskrit. However, the interesting thing, a study of dravidian alphabets and those, show that Sumerian, our ancient speakers seems to originate in dravidian, and Uralic, who arrived from the north. I have written the author of a paper about the origins of Sumerian. He wrote me:
"Dear Ian,"
"It's very interesting what you wrote about H.G. Wells. The whole of India was likely a Dravidian language speaking area before the arrival of the Hindu speaking Aryans. Dravidian speakers could have arrived from India to Mesopotamia while Uralic speakers arrived from the North. The Sumerian language seems to be a mix of these two types of languages. There is almost Sumerian DNA in the ancient DNA databases. From my study of Bronze Age Minoan DNA, I could identify that the Minoans came from the Danube Basin (a Uralic speaking area at the time) to the island of Crete. It is possible that from the same Danube Basin area people also went eastward through present day Turkey to Mesopotamia. If you are interested in ancient cultures, I'd like to suggest to you the youtube video "Breakthrough Decipherment of Minoan Linear A and Cretan Hieroglyphs" Click Here
However, interestingly, myself playing Gypsy guitar and Sikh tabla (Indian Music) find this interesting because the genome project shows both Gypsies and Sikhs to be from this region of present day Pakistan, what was Northern India, and the Northern Punjab region of India. It would seem they are the same people, the warrior caste of India. Are they current day carriers or extraterrestrial knowledge?